The discovery of our gifts, talents and originality in life will not necessarily come to us in the classroom. I like how Rich Dad, Poor Dad differentiates the classroom from the street life experience. It says

“A” students are considered the smartest people of all, why don’t they become extremely wealthy entrepreneurs?

The answer is because most “A” students a winners in the classroom where they win by making the fewest mistakes and failing the least.

They learn that mistakes and failing are bad, so they do their best to excel. In the real world of entrepreneurship, by contrast, the people who make the most mistakes and learn from those mistakes fast are winners. Business rewards people like that.

“Entrepreneurs must love challenges, knowing that mistakes, frustrations, setbacks, and failures lie ahead and the challenges of overcoming these mistakes is their classroom and their pathway of becoming better entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs knows that every mistake and risk they take force them to become smarter and better entrepreneurs.

If the fear of failure has been keeping you from pursuing your entrepreneurial aspirations, just understand that failure is one of the most important aspects of the entrepreneurial journey. If you learn from it, manage it, and understand how it can make you better, it is also one of the most beautiful and inspiring aspects.

If you are one of the persons asking ‘ what kind of business can i do?’ I recommend you get the book “JUST DO ITwritten by Isaac I. Ajisafe.

You can as well Join my Business School of Training Platform with  the link https://bit.ly/2OEc7l4


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