Today, we shall be examining what I have titled “Which Category Do You Belong to?” I have discovered that everywhere people gather, there are four classes of people there. This is irrespective of language, tribe, or group. It does not matter whether it is political, religious, academic, business, governmental, or non-governmental organizations. It is just absolutely impossible for you not to fall into one of the four categories. You cannot claim neutrality, you cannot escape it.
The first category is what I refer to as the “Ignorant people”. These are the people who don’t know what’s happening around them, even when it is so close to their noses. They don’t know, and worse still, it never occurs to them to ask questions, or to gather relevant information that will get them repositioned. They are not ready to move closer to people who can guide them in the right direction. They are like a blind man who doesn’t know the route, yet rejects the offer of a route-finder. Many people are fallen on the wayside of life today because of their ignorance.
The second category is the “Arrogant people”. Even when they know what is going on around them, they are too proud to join others in making things happen. They don’t seem to care about events within their community, no matter how innovative and beneficial it may appear. They are simply clothed with the garment of “I DON’T CARE” idiosyncrasy. While other teachable fellows around them are advancing and breaking records of great accomplishments, arrogant people stay stagnated in the depth of their pride quagmire. Their overbloated self-importance will not allow them to seek help and take counsel from others.
The third category is the “Risk Avoiders”. This category of people will do everything to dodge anything that will involve taking risks. They forget that nobody can ever amount to anything in life without taking certain risks. Name it, riding in the pleasure of your car is a risk. Hiding in the closet of your bedroom is a risk. Investing in a booming business is a risk. There is nothing you can do without risk. You cannot avoid risks, you can only minimize risk.
The fourth category is the class of people that I call “The Champions”. These are those who make things happen. They are well informed. They are addicted learners. They are teachable and humble. They are risk takers ready to dare what others fear. They are unstoppable. They are the most successful people anywhere and everywhere. This is the category I want you to sacrifice all you have, to belong to. You are a champion waiting to announced!
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Author, ISAAC AJISAFE.[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]