Abundant Life In Spite of Covid-19

As we are already in the second half of year 2020, let me speak with someone from my heart today…

Are you aware that we are presently in Post Covid era?

Have we fully recovered from Covid-19? The answer is definitely NO!

Are we recovering soon like there will not be Covid-19 cases anywhere again in our country and indeed in the world? Only God has the perfect answer to that?

Let me explain it to you, that we are in a Post Covid is not to say that there is no more Covid-19/coronavirus cases again. It’s still very much around but the psychological effect that brought the whole world to a standstill and made everyone to go on compulsory holiday is perhaps no longer with us again.

I have come to inform you this morning, in case you are not aware, that we are no longer in Covid era; rather Post-Covid era.

If you are yet to carry out your own comprehensive audit and appraisal so as to know the right approach and method to adopt in the new normal, please go on and do it quickly. You are getting late already…

If you are the type that all you are saying now is “when Covid is over, I will do this and I will do that”, you are already failing yourself and mocking the fulfillment of your goals and dreams.

The New Normal we are talking about has started. We are no longer expecting the new normal. We are already living in the new normal. This means there are some things that are normal at the beginning of the year 2020 are no longer normal again.

In any case if you think you will not do something until after Covid, then be ready to wait till next year 2021.

Let me do a quick analysis, using Nigeria as a case study. As at today we have 31000+ cases, if God should help us not to record any number of cases henceforth and we are also able to discharge average of 2000 patients every month, you will agree with me that it will be a great testimony that actually calls for thanksgiving in Nigeria. Yet, we will still cross over to 2021 with over 5000 by the time the discharged and death cases are deducted from the total number of 31000+.

This is a not a thing any right thinking person should be comfortable with but we are just doing this exposition so as to call our consciousness to order.

The point I’m making is, waiting till the world fully recovers from Covid-19 before you get back to your goals and dreams is like waiting forever.

The effect of Covid-19 is not disappearing soon but we just have to walk around and live with it. I watched a funny video recently where it was said that, “coronavirus is like your wife, initially you try to control her then you realized you can’t, then you learn to live with her”

-Isaac Ajisafe

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