Facts About Life

Nothing in life lasts for long. Remember to live before you leave.
Don’t spend your entire life making a living and forget to live.
There are only two ways to live, you’re either living or just existing. A balanced life is the best life. Whoever says you’re irreplaceable is lying to you. Life is like exam questions. If you are having a problem understanding one question move to the next. Don’t get stuck in one chapter of your book of life.

Winners don’t quit but they surely take breaks. Don’t spend your entire life opening one door. If it refused to open forever it means maybe it’s not your door. The fact that a certain aspect of your life is not working as planned doesn’t mean your whole life has to be on hold. Your time here is limited, spend it wisely. A wise hunter with just one bullet doesn’t shoot anyhow.

If you can change it, change it. If you can’t change it, stop worrying and complaining about it. Never give the management of your life to those who cannot manage their own life properly. To be spiritually fooled is to be spiritually foolish. Be careful when someone who cannot hear his own voice tells you he’s hearing from GOD.

Happiness is a choice, not destiny. Happiness is not a destination, you must travel with it. A situation and a problem are two different things don’t mix both. Happiness is a present tense, not a future tense. You can delay your gratification but your happiness should never be postponed. Always do your best but never ever forget to take a rest. Whoever refused to rest will eventually be laid to rest and people will tell him to REST IN PEACE.


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  1. This is mind-blowing. This is a new dimension, a higher level. Well, I’m not surprised because according to Albert Einstein which is one of your favorite quotes”the mind that opens to new idea never remains the same”. This is exactly the best way I can describe you sir.

  2. Omotoso Kenny kedi

    It’s very educating, more grace sir

  3. Ogunshola Peterson

    This is very inspiring

  4. i will put it into pratice.Thanks

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