Humanity is an adventure of limitless possibilities and man has been kitted by the creator with sufficient capacity, breaking new grounds and venturing into brand new climes where only the daring types are found. That is why we must not be afraid to start all over again as long as it is the path through which we are guaranteed to arrive at our destined destination for enviable posterity and impactful legacy.

In my opinion, I will like to say that this season has brought a major change in all human endeavor. It’s a major change that disrupted virtually everything globally and it’s beyond natural, it’s a spiritual change that has come to reset things for you and I and indeed the entire world. We don’t need to agree with this because whether we agree with it or not, it has taken place and things are already resetting themselves globally.

We are very much good to go and launch business craft in the direction of a new-found space. Business gladiators are never timid or intimidated to face fresh challenges on the path to their treasure island.

They are always prepared to deploy cutting-edge and creative thoughts to conquer new frontiers and surpass their past feats. 

I am determined to quit the old cheese station and I am ready to take on a flight into a new business horizon.

I have come to let you know this evening that, God allowed some disappointments so we can have a redirection for a better course. So, rather than fighting the disappointments, chart a new direction that will lead you to your dream land.

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© Isaac Ajisafe | 2020
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