Women, if you are depending on your husbands, bosses, or anyone else for your financial future, think twice.

I strongly believe you agree with me that your network is equivalent to your net worth.

Your network can help you build visibility, connect you with influence, and open up doors for new opportunities. Building and nurturing a network is one very important thing you can do to support your career.

Being dependent on anyone for your financial life can lead to a reduced sense of self-worth. I have seen women’s self-esteem soar the moment they know how to make it financially on their own.

Warren Buffet and Richard Branson could not be more different. Buffet drives a pickup and lives in Omaha; Branson flies his own airline and lives on his own island in the British Virgin Islands. But they have two things in common. They are both billionaires. They are both practical men

Oftentimes, most people ask the question, if I join this business, how much income can I earn from it or how much can I earn on a per month basis? The reason people want to know how much they can earn per month is that; they are thinking in terms of living in the survival ladder, in essence, they want to know if they can have just enough to make ends meet as an employee or owing a small business.

In any job,  instead of earning income, you build an asset for your business and the asset generates income.

I only invest in things that bring me money. If it brings me money, it is an asset; if it takes money from me, it is a liability.

So, I must strive to reduce my liability at all cost. For people who understand this, the Number 1 asset is usually a business.

To be financially free I recommend you read MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING  “Sure Way To Financial Freedom” written by Isaac I. Ajisafe

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