“WHY?” (PART 4)

This episode is the last in this series of discourse, captioned: “Why?”  Episode three was centered on the ‘why’ of marriage

Please click here to read   ‘Why’ part 3

In this episode, I will add some complementary factors alongside “Why?” in order to complete the cycle of achieving our desired results, in our quests for a stable life and sustainable living.

The emphasis here is that, even when you’ve gotten your ‘why’ right and strong, it is still not enough. Indeed, many people got their ‘why’ of relocation, of marriage, of having children, of making money, of starting a business, right and strong, but they stopped at that. It is one thing to know the reason for a thing, it is another ball game to know the next thing to do.

There are other complementary factors that must be considered before proceeding into the implementation or execution of a discovered purpose for anything in life. To every progress, there must be a corresponding process. Jesus, our perfect example knew this principle so well, and he did not make light of it. Having gotten his “Why” clearly and correctly, he did not stop at that. He knew quite well that to every “Why” there exists a specific “Where?”. Even when he had determined the location, He was still conscious of the place of timing “When”. Lastly Jesus needed to answer the question of “How?”. Therefore, the four factors of “Why?”, “Where?”, “When?”, and “How?” are unavoidable for anybody to accomplish any significant feat in the pursuit of destiny.

It is therefore imperative that you are inquisitive enough before embarking on anything in life. In every department of your life, ensure you get all of these four central factors right, before taking any step further into what you have purposed to do.

For instance, when you’ve gotten your ‘why’ in the area of marriage, you need to ask again, who should I get married to? You still need to go further in your inquiry by asking “Where should I get married from?” and finally, you need to inquire on how to go about it. Some people know, without seeking the counsel of a seer, that they do not need an elaborate wedding event. Yet, rather than make it moderate and enter into their home and start a fresh life on a clean slate, they would get into huge debt just to create an unrealistic impression to friends and families.

For another five years, some couples would still be paying the debt incurred during their wedding ceremony. In some marriages, what triggered the first quarrel was blame shifting over who was responsible for the indebtedness during the wedding. It is rooted in a fundamental problem; they did take their time to know how to go about their wedding process.

The same applies to every area of life, business partnership, project execution, choice of academic institution. For instance, enrolling in a private academic institution is luxury for some people, yet, they would shy away from reality, bypass public schools that they can afford and still enroll in expensive private schools. Isn’t that misplacement of priority?  They knew why and probably “When”. But they do not know where, and how. And they have gallantly brought undue tension on themselves.

Here is the crux of the matter, the same effort you took to get to know why, is the same effort you require to inquire about where, when, and how. But learn to first of all ask “Why?”.

Related Post: WHY PART 2

Related Post: WHY PART 1

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