In the first episode of this topic, we attempted to expose you to the background of the subject matter. “Why?” This is not an ordinary word, it is a word that demands for something, without which things may remain at a standstill. It talks about reasons. It demands for purpose. So, it is a subject that everybody must pay attention to, otherwise, meaningful progress may not be in view.

Click here to read ‘Why’ Part 1

Today, I’ll go a little further into the discourse. Let me begin by saying that many do not really understand what should be their ‘why’. And by the grace of God; I’ll be exposing some things I believe should be the yardstick for engaging in whatever we want to do in life, including business, academic or career pursuits, relationships, vocation, relocation, even the choice of religion. I will also tell you why you must swallow your pride, drop your ego and subscribe to lowliness of heart.

Remember that the greatest personality that ever walked upon the earth warned and admonished us all: “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” [Matt 11:29 NKJV]

Let’s approach the topic from the perspective of the exemplary attitudinal nature of Jesus Christ. He remains our perfect example when it comes to discussions of this nature. The reason for His birth was pronounced and recorded hundreds of years before He was born. Nine months before his arrival to the world the purpose for his birth was made known again. When He entered into ministry, He discovered why He was on the earth: To save the world from shackles of sin and sicknesses. Yet, there was Jesus, facing the most hellish challenges and humiliation that no man has ever faced, and no man can ever face! He was beaten. He was nailed, oh He cried, He wept, He shed His blood. And finally He was mischievously killed. Please read the book of Matthew Chapter 27 verse 46 or the book of Mark Chapter 15 verse 34.

But “Why” should the Lord Jesus Christ submit to go through such torturous ordeals? It was because that was the pathway to his glorious destination. That was ‘why’ he came, and so, He knew it was needless to resist or retreat, or run away in his moment of trials. At a point, he had to cry out loud: “My Father, My Father, ‘Why’ have you forsaken me?” I believe Jesus got reminded of His “Why” on earth [that the scriptures must be fulfilled].

Taking a closer look at what the Holy Book said [John 19 vs 30], “He bowed His head and released the spirit” which means Jesus’ life was not taken from Him, He willingly released it. You can confirm that from John 10 vs 8. [No man taketh it from me but I lay down of myself, I have the power to lay down and to take]

Jesus suffering was much and he had the power to kill, disorganize, and confuse the people but He didn’t do it because He understood His why.

Do you understand your why? Friends, do you have a clear cut clue to the circumstances surrounding your marriage, career, health, academic, business, and your life aspirations? Have you found out the “Why?” Until you discover the purpose for your challenges, you may not have access to the supply of strength to carry on. And if you fall down by the wayside of life with no strength to rise and fight on, you have gallantly lost your glorious future. But since Jesus did not fail in the face of trials, you too will not fail.

Go and find your ‘why’ first before coming to ask God for how. God bless you.

I remain yours sincerely, Isaac Ajisafe. By God’s grace, you’ll get your “why”.


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