Say No to Poverty

The number of people living in poverty is rising rapidly without exception for the young and old. Many of the African retirees do not get their pension when due. The number of new bankruptcies is going through the roof.

Wealth is not the same thing with money. They are two different things. Wealth is the ability to survive so many numbers of days forward.

Ask yourself this;

If I stop working today, how long could I survive financially?’ literally, your answer is equal to your wealth at this moment.

one reason the rich gets richer is that, rich work for a different kind of money. They do not work to generate income. they work to build wealth. That is a vast difference between the two.

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many people and businesses have become demoralized and distressed is an understatement. At the moment, great number of business owners are at cross roads, trying to figure out how to meet up with their goals for the year, many are not even talking of meeting up with their goals but just working towards the possibility of surviving; while many others are already contemplating giving up on their aspirations.

One comment

  1. Hmmmm true talk

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