Let Me Help You Overshoot Your Goals in the Right Ways.​

We all set goals. Some of us achieve them, while others fall short. But what if you could do more than just achieve your goals? What if you could overshoot them? By understanding the right strategies and mindset, you can propel yourself beyond your initial expectations.

As Featured In:​

What I Do​

I am Isaac Ajisafe, A business consultant, strategic advisor who helps organizations improve their performance and achieve their goals.

I Coach.

I Am a dynamic coach who foster personal and professional growth. Through a combination of expert coaching and innovative tools, I empower individuals and organizations to reach their full potential.

I Speak.

I am a dynamic speaker passionate about Personal effectiveness, business growth & profitability. With years of experience, I have captivated audiences with insightful talks on how to become successful

I Write.

I am an erudite writer with a knack for Personal discovery and development, mindset transformation, multilevel marketing, and finance. One among my several books is the famous A-Z of Wealth.

Need Me?​

Book me to speak at your conferences, live events, live or recorded interviews, summits and visual events. 

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My e-Books & Courses​

I believe in transferring knowledge, and as such I’m passionate about writing books that inspire and transform lives. Books have changed my life radically and I hope my books will do the same for you. Your transformation and impact can be reached faster with these books, check them out below. 

What My Clients say

Quality is not self-awarded. It’s the endless flow of value that you deliver to others.


“You are highly appreciated, my Boss and Mentor, Isaac Ajisafe, for the great work you are doing in Calabar. You are amazing. You are the best. Thank you for pouring yourself into us for our success”


My Story

ISAAC AJISAFE is an erudite entrepreneur, veteran business consultant and experienced conference organizer, speaker and trainer.  He has over many years carved a niche for himself in the world of personal, business and organizational leadership development and management.  
A go-getter, Isaac Ajisafe defied all forms of resistance from his formative years, through thick and thin, he has emerged gallantly as a notable positive influencer to thousands of people around the globe. He is a training consultant to corporate (large and small) and Non-Governmental Organizations. 

My Achievements


Young Mentees


Lives Impacted


Speeches Delivered


Years Of Experience


Responses to the most frequently asked questions about engaging my services.